Captain's Log: 2734 - Sector Mira

Saul McGrail is not a patient man. That's mainly why his ship "The Traveler" is focused on speed. Getting places first and planting his flag on the biggest slice of the galaxy. This haste has often landed him in precarious situations that somehow always end up working out in his favor.
But this time he'd really messed up, taking a hop through a deserted sector and landing right in the middle of a dark nebula. Too small to contain any useful resources, but large enough & dense enough to block out any communications signal entirely. The Traveler was running on fumes and Saul knew that he would have to locate something soon if he wanted to make his return trip to Argos alive.

That's when he found it. On an asteroid in the middle of the nebula Saul discovered a small garden, growing 7 straight rows of what looked to be some kind of flowering bean. He'd never seen anything like it before, but he didn't care. The Traveler needed fuel and this was his only hope.

Saul landed The Traveler on the asteroid and cautiously approached the garden, half expecting a trap or some kind of hostile creature to jump out at him. But there was nothing. No sound, no movement, just the light from his suit shining down on the 7 rows of beans.
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